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DOVE (Year round)


Those who have been shooting doves in Uruguay over the past twenty years will say there is nothing like this in the world. You will be shocked to see the huge black cloud moving towards you over the horizon when you see  that it is millions and millions of doves.


Often you will be standing in the middle of the crops, close to one of the  many roosting areas. 

Thanks to the enormous population (estimated to be well above the 20 million, the supply of crops and the right weather conditions, enable this  bird to reproduce 8 times its number over 12 month), hunters can expect to shoot anywhere from 1000 to 2000 shots.


Depending on your experience or how you´re feeling that day, you will have a choice of shooting further away  or closer. 

We guarantee that whatever your level of shooting is, this will be one of the best shooting trips in your life. 

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